Drum-roll please……
The 2018 Spring Musical will be The Music Man, by Meredith Willson!
Please download the following form and bring it to the audition, as well as study the music below.
General Musical Audition Forms—The Music Man It needs to have both the scholar and parent signatures in order to audition.
Scholars should prepare using the following musical selections:
General Audition-ALL Male_Female-Goodnight My Someone
General Audition-ALL-Male_Female-76 Trombones
Important Dates! 12/4/17 & 12/5/17 (H.S.), 12/6/17 (J.H.). See audition sign up sheets by the choir room, starting Monday, November 20th.
Below are the accompaniments for all the audition material. Please search for the applicable one for your character.
4 Parts Sincere | 76 Accompaniment | Amaryllis | Bari Sincere |
Bass Sincere | BB Quartet | Goodnight | Harold & Marian Duet |
Harold Ya Got Trouble | Lead Sincere | Marian Goodnight | Mrs Paroo |
Shipoopi Marcellus | Tenor 1 Sincere | Tenors Quartet | Winthrop |
Please contact Mrs. Phelps with any questions: aphelps@heritageacademyaz.com
Please review video below for the choreography for dance audition:
The documents below are for reference, only after the invitation for a callback audition.
Callback-Amaryllis-Goodnight My Someone
Callback-Harold & Marian-Till There Was You
Callback-Harold-Ya’ Got Trouble
Callback-Marian-Goodnight My Someone
Callback-Mrs. Paroo-If You Don’t Mind My Saying