Heritage Academy is the perfect place to not just prepare for college, but to start taking college courses. Heritage provides seminars and college coaching customized to the needs of every scholar and parent. These college readiness services enable the college-bound scholar to qualify for the top scholarships and institutions in the nation.
Scholars planning to attend four-year colleges or universities should determine the entrance requirements of the particular school they wish to attend. Students applying to Arizona universities must meet one of the following requirements:
For unconditional admission, a student must rank in the top 25 % of his/her graduating class, have an overall grade point average of 3.0 or higher, and have a minimum score of 22 on the ACT or 1040 on the SAT test.
Students ranking in the second quarter of the graduating class, may be admitted with conditions if they have a GPA of 2.5 or higher with an ACT score of 22 or an SAT score of 1040.
College Fast Track Program
The College Fast Track Program enables scholars to earn college credits while at Heritage Academy. College credits can be earned in three ways:
- Advanced placement courses (AP)
- Online courses
- Dual Enrollment courses
Heritage currently offers AP Calculus and is planning to offer additional courses in the coming years. Credits from online college classes from approved higher educational institutions may also be earned and transferred back to Heritage for high school credit.
Dual Enrollment courses are regular Heritage classes where a student can opt to earn college credit for the class. These classes are offered through Rio Salado College and Grand Canyon University.
Here is short video by Rio Salado that explains some benefits of D.E.
Below are some Frequently Asked Questions regarding our College Fast Track Program.
What is the process to take Dual Enrollment classes?
- Identify the appropriate classes you need to meet your goals
- Enroll in the Heritage classes
- Take any required placement testing with Rio Salado or Grand Canyon
- Register online with Rio Salado or Grand Canyon
What would it mean for your student to work on college credits while in high school?
- Here are a few of the benefits — Save time, save money, eliminate duplicate classes, students progress at their own speed, students are better prepared for college, credits transfer in most cases
- Even if a full Associate degree is not completed, having any amount of coursework completed while in high school will benefit any person.
Can my scholar earn an Associate degree while at Heritage?
- This is a very aggressive goal that requires a highly motivated scholar to earn approximately 60 college credits in four years. Planning must start during the junior high school years. The unique block schedule at Heritage Academy actually offers scholars more time in the week to incorporate college classess but some of those courses will most likely have to be taken off campus.
How much does dual enrollment cost?
- Currently Maricopa County Community College District charges $85 per credit and Rio Salado College charges a $15 registration fee. Costs for textbooks are covered by Heritage Academy. All costs for DE tuition & registration are paid directly to the Community College.
How do I make a plan to graduate at Heritage and receive an Associate degree?
- Create a path for High School Graduation (click here for Heritage graduation requirements.)
- Identify a potential college major for an Associates Degree. (Click here for sample programs)
- Create a plan to incorporate Online or Dual Enrollment. (Click here for a planning sheet.)
How can I learn more about what credits transfer?
- Credits earned at Rio Salado and Grand Canyon transfer to most major colleges around the country. They are accredited by the National Alliance of Concurrent Enrollment Partnerships (NACEP) as well as the Higher Learning Commission, a commission of the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools.
- More specific transfer information for universities within Arizona can be found at AZTransfer.
- Contact an advisor at Rio Salado College at 480.517.8080
- Ultimately, the student’s college or university will make the final decision on classes and credits. It’s always a good idea to contact the institution and department (e.g. engineering, education, business) to validate transferability.
Scholar Testimonial:
From time to time Heritage Academy receives scholarship information for students which we make available as we receive them.
Maricopa Community Colleges
The Maricopa Community Colleges offer Presidential Scholarships. There are three ways to be eligible for this scholarship. (For more information, see Honors Department at any of the Maricopa Community Colleges.)
- Graduate in the top 15% of the class
- Score high on the Asset Test
- Partial scholarships are awarded for taking an honors course at a Maricopa Community College
Arizona Board of Regents
The Arizona Board of Regents and the Maricopa Community Colleges send us a request each year for the names of our top 11th and 12th grade students so they can send scholarship information directly to them. Eligible students are those who pass all AIMS tests with an Exceeds and who have an unweighted 3.0 GPA in each core classes. (e.g. English, Math, Science, and History)
Presidential Freedom Scholarships
The school offers two Heritage Academy Presidential Freedom Scholarships in the amount of $1000 for qualifying students who can show at least 100 hours of community service during the past year. Heritage Academy presents approximately $8,000 in scholarships each year to graduating students based on GPA.
Colleges and Universities
Most Colleges and Universities offer scholarships and if you spend time investigating the scholarship opportunities at the college of your choice, you may find one that fits you perfectly. Here are some links to some of the scholarships available at the three largest Universities in Arizona.
International Financial Aid and College Scholarship Search
IEFA is the premier resource for financial aid, college scholarship and grant information for US and international students wishing to study abroad. At this site, you will find the most comprehensive college scholarship search and grant listings plus international student loan programs and other information to promote study abroad.
More Scholarship Resources
College Night
College Night at Heritage Academy is an opportunity for scholars and families to get more information about attending post-secondary school after high school. Scholars are given advice regarding courses taken while in high school, taking the ACT and/or SAT tests, and how to pay for and apply for college. University and College representatives are present and will give families first hand knowledge about the best way to do things as well as what their campus has to offer for potential students. Check our calendar monthly for important dates, and click HERE for more info on College Night
Heritage Academy Scholarships
Scholars are encouraged to search out numerous places where scholarships are available and to apply for them.
Heritage Academy has its own Scholarship Fund containing the donations of parents and others who would like to help further the education of scholars who have shown outstanding abilities in academics and service. Only those scholars who have completed all graduation requirements by the time of actual graduation will be eligible for scholarships awarded by Heritage Academy.
Heritage Academy will present scholarship awards, to the extent of the funds, in conjunction with the high achievement and service to the school as outlined above under the following categories:
George Washington Award for Achievement, Character and Service – Scholar is voted by faculty (must be at least two years at Heritage academy)
Abraham Lincoln Award – to the outstanding male scholar voted by faculty (must be at least two years at Heritage Academy)
Dolly Madison Award – to the outstanding female scholar voted by faculty (must be at least two years at Heritage Academy)
Benjamin Franklin Award – given to scholar(s) exhibiting extraordinary persistence (must be at least two years at Heritage Academy)
Valedictorian (must be at least two years at Heritage Academy) – 4.0 and higher GPA
Salutatorian (must be at least two years at Heritage Academy) – 3.5 – 3.99 GPA
College Entrance Requirements and Scholarship Opportunities – Information for 10-12 Grade Students
The 4-year state universities in Arizona require new freshmen students to have met the following competency requirements:
- Four years of high school English
- Four years of high school math; one year each of Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II, and an advanced math class
- Three years of high school laboratory science
- Two units of the same high school foreign language.
- Other requirements and/or exceptions should be studied at:
Nearly anyone may apply and gain admission to the 2-year Community Colleges.
You must take the ASSET test which assesses skill level for proper placement. Information on admission applications, financial aid, scholarships, etc., can be found through
Nearly all 4-year universities require ACT or SAT scores.
Check each schools website for requirements. It is recommended that students take the ACT and/or SAT exams in the spring of their junior year and the fall of their senior year. Registration should be made at least 6 weeks prior to test date. Check websites for dates and registration.
- Any college’s website will lead you to scholarship opportunities given thorough the school. There are also many websites about scholarships other than college sites.
- Heritage Academy receives scholarship information for students which is available through Heritage’s college counselor. There are many scholarships available from both public and private donors. The state of Arizona offers several scholarships, including the following: the Maricopa Community Colleges offer Presidential Scholarships to students who enroll in Honors courses and score well on the ASSET tests. In addition, the Arizona Board of Regents and the Maricopa Community Colleges send us a request each year for the names of our top 11th and 12th grade students so they can send scholarship information directly to them.
- The school offers two Heritage Academy Presidential Freedom Scholarships in the amount of $1000 for qualifying students who can show at least 100 hours of community service during the past year. See Mr. Taylor for application procedures.
Heritage Academy presents approximately $8,000 in scholarships each year to graduating students based on GPA.
Planning for college? Looking for financial aid? Start here.
Big Future/ College Board is a helpful resource for all your college planning. Founded in 1900, the College Board was created to expand access to higher education. Today, the membership association is made up of over 6,000 of the world’s leading educational institutions and is dedicated to promoting excellence and equity in education.
College Source
A virtual library representing over 100,000 college catalogs in full cover-to-cover, original page format with 2-year, 4-year, graduate, professional and international schools.
Campus Program
A comprehensive education and employment guide to American universities and colleges in the United States. provides profiles of 1000’s of universities and colleges across the United States. Our main feature is our browsable database of nearly 100,000 university and college programs; diplomas, certificates and advanced degrees; categories by over 500 unique areas of study.
Graduation Requirements
A scholar receives a graduation diploma from Heritage Academy when requirements of the school and of the Arizona State Board of Education have been met.
Subjects | Credits |
English | 4 |
Math | 4 |
Science | 4 |
History | 4 |
Foreign Language | 2 |
Fine Arts | 1 |
Physical Education | 1 |
Electives | 6 |
Total Credits | 26 |
Academic courses listed above receive one full credit and electives one-half credit. See the student handbook for more detail.
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