Musical & Art Show, Graduation info, Independence Tour, April Break, Sports

Important Dates to Remember APRIL 18 Art Show APRIL 18 Spring Musical 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm BUY TICKETS HERE APRIL 19 Art Show APRIL 19 Spring Musical 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm BUY TICKETS HERE APRIL 20 Art Show APRIL 20 Spring Musical 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm BUY TICKETS [...]

By |2024-04-18T13:31:25-07:00April 18th, 2024|Announcement, News, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Musical & Art Show, Graduation info, Independence Tour, April Break, Sports

Play, Graduation info, Vending Machines, Sports

Important Dates to Remember APRIL 12 & 13 - All State Festival  APRIL 15 Spring Musical Performance 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm BUY TICKETS HERE  APRIL 16 PTO  6:00 pm - 7:00 pm APRIL 16 Spring Musical Performance 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm BUY TICKETS HERE APRIL 17 Graduation Information: SENIOR MEETING at LUNCH 11:15 [...]

By |2024-04-17T14:48:01-07:00April 11th, 2024|Announcement, News, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Play, Graduation info, Vending Machines, Sports

Testing Schedule, Independence Tour, Spring Sports

Monthly Pillar Important Dates to Remember APRIL 8 - 7th - 11th grades testing arrive promptly at 7:45 Seniors arrive by 12:10 Juniors bring photo ID APRIL 9 - 7th - 9th grades arrive promptly at 7:45 Seniors arrive by 12:10 Juniors arrive promptly at 7:00  at FUMC bring [...]

By |2024-04-04T15:12:54-07:00April 4th, 2024|Announcement, News, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Testing Schedule, Independence Tour, Spring Sports
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