
How can you make a difference?

Our alumni and friends are essential to the school’s mission: Building America’s Heroes. Gifts provide financial stability to withstand economic adversity and minimize the impact of fiscal fluctuations from the State of Arizona. The gift of learning lasts forever in the hearts and minds of Heritage scholars.

Thank you for being a Hero!

Tax Credit Donation

Beginning with the 1998 tax year, the Arizona Legislature has authorized a new tax credit for individual income taxpayers!  A credit of up to $200 per individual / $400 for married couples is available for payment of fees to an Arizona public or charter school for support of extra curricular activities.

Click here to make an online donation.

Download the Tax Credit Contribution form in PDF format. Print the form and mail to the address listed on the tax credit contribution or use the methods below to pay online today.

Special Discounts for Heritage Friends and Family

Check out these great deals on valuable products and services.  Great discounts are offered and Heritage receives a donation in return for the referral.

If you would like to support Heritage Academy in a similar way, send an email to

Mail your gift

Simply make your personal or business check or money order payable to Heritage Academy, and mail it to:

Heritage Academy
32 South Center
Mesa, Arizona 85210

Make a pledge

Pledges (extending from a few months to several years) can be made in writing and mailed to the address above.  Please print clearly and in full your name, mailing address and telephone number.  State the full amount of the pledge, your payment schedule and the amount and date of each pledge payment.  You may designate your pledge to general operations or to a specific program or project

Matching Gifts

If your employer has a matching gift program, please obtain the proper forms from your personnel office.

Memorial Gifts

If you wish to honor the memory of a family member or friend by making a contribution to Heritage Academy, please write us at the above address and include the name of the individual you are honoring.  Please state the designation of the gift, if you so wish.

Heritage Academy is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.

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