Important Dates to Remember
A Note From Dr. Moore:
I just want to take a moment to thank all of you for a great semester! You’ve all worked hard, enjoy your time off and we will see you on Jan 7 for the beginning of a fantastic Spring semester!
Happy Holidays!
West Side Story
The Spring Musical Auditions for WEST SIDE STORY (School Edition) will be held Tuesday, January 15th from 3:45 pm – 6:45 pm in the auditorium.
Anyone interested in being in the musical will need to audition first. Please use the link below to schedule your time slot. (Auditions available only to high school students)
Audition Sign Up
If you bought a yearbook ad, they need to be completed by February 4th, 2019.
The size of a page is 8 ½ x 11. Click HERE for templates. If you plan on having the yearbook create your ad, we will only need the photos you wish to display in the ad. We also have pre-made template designs to choose from and you can contact or for those designs.
We also have an exciting opportunity to get your ad free. We are holding a competition and the most unique and creative senior ad design will get their ad free. All participants must buy a senior ad and submit their completed design to the yearbook by January 28th, 2018. You can submit this to and also ask any questions you have about the competition.
Thank You! Sakue Wong, Senior Editor
Yearbooks are available for pre-order at the front desk or online for only $50! Click HERE to make a payment and your order is placed!
Dual Enrollment Registration
The first edition of the 2018-19 Heritage Gazette is now online at
Do you shop at Amazon?
A percentage of every purchase could be going toward our school if you check out during your transaction at instead of the normal amazon site. Do good while shopping and check out with every time you shop!
- High school course selection
- Early College Program – Dual enrollment, AP & CLEP
- Earning an Associates Degree at Heritage Academy
- ACT/SAT/PSAT (Which test and when?)
- Financial Aid (Scholarships, Grants, Loans & FAFSA)
- Do you want to learn how to maximize your early college credits?
- How about ways to save time and money toward your bachelor’s degree?
Welcome to the new Heritage Academy College Resource Facebook page!
ACE Puente participants are recruited in their sophomore year of high school. Students take hybrid and online college courses while in their junior and senior years, allowing them to graduate with up to 24 college credits. All completely FREE! For more information visit ACE INFO or contact Mrs. Weiler
As the digital age continues to grow, we realize the importance of keeping your scholars safe while using the computers at school.
The Acceptable Use Policy was reviewed with your scholar during English class on Wednesday and Thursday. In addition, they were sent home with a form requiring signatures (Click HERE for the form). Please review the policies and have your scholar return the signed document next week.
Contact Dr. Moore or Ms. Seaman if you have any questions.