A NOTE FROM Mrs. Udall:
Our fall sports are in full swing! Come out and support our heroes!
There are a number of trips/tours to enrich our scholars Heritage experience. Sign up information is further down in the newsletter.
Please remember to opt in to the new message system by texting Y or YES to 67587. We want to ensure you continue to receive safety alerts, school closings, event notifications and more. You can always opt out at any time.
None of us like to be caught doing harm, and I want to remind all of our hero families that we will hold scholars accountable for any language that is not appropriate.
pg. 17 of handbook
Please have a conversation with your scholar reminding them that words have power. Thank you.
If you haven’t had the chance to donate to the PTO, it’s not too late. The suggested dues of $20 per family help our PTO support the scholars in so many ways, including providing a daily low cost lunch option.
PAY PTO DUES HERE (not eligible for ECA donation)
Just a reminder no school on Monday or Tuesday [9/2 & 9/3].
Heidi Udall, Principal
We are well into the school year and greatly appreciate all of our families. We would like to remind all of you about our attendance policy.
ABSENCES: All absences must be reported the day of the absence. Call 480-969-5641 to report an attendance. If leaving a message, state the first and last name of your scholar and the reason for the absence. Absences will not be changed from unexcused to excused after 24 business hours. For absences due to illness, please provide documentation (full name of scholar and date of absence) to the front desk. When checking in at the front desk, please select the correct reason from the drop down menu. If OTHER is selected, this will be recorded as an unexcused absence.
Excused absence: illness, doctor appointment, bereavement, family emergencies (not to exceed 10% of the instructional days)
Unexcused: any other term or condition that is not specifically designated as excused.
TARDIES: At Heritage we expect scholars to be in their seats when the bell rings. When scholars are tardy 3 or more times in a four week period, they will be required to serve a lunch detention. Please, help us keep the classroom as distraction free as possible by visiting with your scholar and make a plan to arrive to school and class on time.
The total cost of the trip is $899.00.
Sign up HERE:
We are excited to work with your scholars during this fun, intensive, educational weekend and can’t wait to see their talents and skills grow. The retreat is open to fine arts scholars in 9-12th grade who have intermediate to advanced experience in their chosen workshop. See each workshop for specific experience requirements. The retreat is an experience like no other and a wonderful chance to grow skills, learn new techniques, make new friends and work with different teachers and professionals in their field.
Want to see what it’s all about? CLICK HERE FOR VIDEO
Sign up HERE
or scan QR code:
Through the Junior High Fine Arts Retreat, scholars will build strong character through a unique collaboration and performance opportunity consisting of the top Junior High performers across all campuses. The fast-paced environment lends itself to quickly build a strong community amongst the arts programs. Teachers and scholars alike take home an increased knowledge and respect of what selfless service they each could provide for their individual communities, which is what is taught by the great Founding Fathers of America.
Sign up HERE
or scan the QR code:
Dance Company & Ballroom III Tour
Sign up HERE
First Saturday of each month, beginning 9/7, Frutta Bowls will donate 10% of sales to the softball program!
Questions: Bob Brown bob.brow@heritageacademyaz.com
We are fortunate to have so many great families here at Heritage! We need your help to make our events a success and make sure your scholars have a great year.
Sign up to volunteer for one of our PTO committees to help throughout the school year.
This is Dance Company’s second year offering our Mini-Heroes Hip Hop Halftime Fundraiser! In this exciting event children ages 6-11 years will learn a dance from Dance Company and then together they will perform at one of our very own Heritage Varsity Football games! Our Dance Company scholars are excited to share their love of dance and performance with our upcoming Heroes. Your child will leave this experience having gained confidence, skills, bragging rights and a lot of fun memories. Register today!
We celebrated our 100th anniversary in 2020, and with our next 100 years of business in mind, we made it our goal to create a more streamlined, customized ecommerce platform to bring an ever-increasing level of service to our customers. Launching in 2021, our new site quickly became a uniform-industry-leading interface with fast checkout options, a wealth of helpful shopping information and a mobile-first design with many more features that cater to contemporary customers’ needs.
Seniors – don’t forget to schedule your senior 1-on-1 meeting with Mr. Brown.
You can scan the QR code outside Mr. Brown’s office or click here.
NOTE – if you are a current senior, be sure to schedule your senior one-on-one appointment with me for sometime in September. Don’t wait for the last second.
If you are new to dual enrollment, you will need to complete admissions (step 1) to Rio Salado College. Enrollment and Registration Steps here . If you need any placement tests, I will let you know.
Important links here – login is your MEID@maricopa.edu. Here, you will be able to upload your birth certificate and photo ID, complete the financial responsibility form, and fill out the Petition for Semester Overload if you are enrolling in more than 18 DE credits in one semester, to name a few.
For those who were approved for Tuition Assistance, I have contacted Rio to enroll you accordingly.
For the rest that indicated they wanted to take part in dual enrollment, I will be emailing Rio soon. Be on the lookout for emails with tasks to complete (if needed).
Email me at bob.brow@heritageacademyaz.com with any questions. To ensure a timely response be sure to provide the scholar’s 8-digit college ID# (starts with a 3) or indicate new to dual enrollment. Please leave a detailed message, so I can better serve you.
Bob Brown
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