Dress Standards.

One of the most valued objectives at Heritage Academy is to help scholars learn to make responsible
choices and thereby be prepared to govern themselves. Our dress code is based on principles of
maintaining modesty, cleanliness, and professionalism in your dress. Think of dressing for school as if
you were applying for a job. Heritage Academy is not the place to experiment with fads. Any hairstyle,
clothing, make-up, or jewelry which is distracting by nature is not modest, and therefore violates the
dress code. Due to the changing nature of dress and grooming which is particularly popular among
youth, administrative decisions in matters not addressed in these guidelines are final.
Our use of the word “uniform” in this handbook is somewhat modified. While we require uniform shirts
to be purchased from approved vendors, other articles of clothing can be obtained at other places.
Parents and guardians have the responsibility to make sure that their children comply with our dress
code before bringing them to school. Scholars not in compliance with the dress code will be sent home.
When scholars are on campus during school days, they are to be in full uniform. Full uniform is required
for all activities held during or immediately following school hours. The only exception to this rule is
when the instructor requires alternate clothing for a class. Clothing changes under such circumstances
are to be made during class time. While on campus, scholars are not to change out of their uniform prior
to leaving campus for the day. On non-school days, such as Fridays and Saturdays, scholars must still
conform to the Heritage standards of modesty. For more information, see Friday Activities under Dress
Code for Scholar Activities on page 23 of the Scholar Handbook.

Uniform Clothing
To be in full uniform, scholars must wear the Heritage uniform shirt, shorts, pants, or skirts, and
footwear, all of which meets the requirements below.

 Heritage uniform shirts must be purchased online from Educational Outfitters, Tommy Hilfiger,
or Lands’ End, and must be embroidered with the Heritage logo. Be sure to buy uniform shirts
long enough (even after laundering) to prevent the showing of skin from the midriff or back
when standing, sitting, moving, stretching, bending, etc. Scholars whose midriff shows will not
be allowed in class. Any shirt worn under a Heritage shirt must be solid red, white, or navy with
no words or graphics.
 Pants or shorts must be solid beige khaki or navy blue- the same color as our navy blue Heritage
uniform shirts. No jeans, parachute, or nylon-like material is allowed. No baggy pants, pants
with holes, pants which are frayed, or have cut-leg appearance will be allowed. Also, no pockets,
loops, designs or other décor are allowed on the legs. Cargo shorts and cargo pants are not
allowed, but outside pockets on front and rear are allowed. Shorts can be no shorter than four
inches above the middle of the kneecap. Leggings worn under are not a substitute for the length
of the shorts. Legging cannot be worn as a substitute for pants.
 Skirts are to be solid navy blue or beige khaki and contain no jeans, parachute, nylon- like, or
sheer material, and must be no shorter than to the top of the knee when sitting or standing
(front and back). Leggings are not a substitute for skirt length.
 Shoes may be open-toed and must have a back support. Shoelaces are to be tied at all times.
 Winter wear: Some Heritage departments offer a variety of approved winter wear items bearing
the Heritage logo and other academic, arts, or athletic icons, but these items are optional.
Heritage-branded winter wear items are approved, unless restricted by local school

Any solid red, white, or navy blue sweater, sweatshirt or coat, with no pictures or writing of any kind, is
also acceptable (The inside may be a different color than the outside, but the inside must be solid red,
white, navy blue, or a neutral color such as gray.) It may be button, zipper, or pullover, but with no
pictures or writing of any kind. The Heritage logo is not required on sweaters or sweatshirts. Nonuniform winter wear is not allowed on campus.
Winter wear items such as jackets, sweaters, and coats are not a substitute for the Heritage uniform
shirt. When winter wear is worn, the collar of the Heritage uniform shirt must be visible to show that a
correct uniform shirt is being worn. Please be sure your name is marked inside your winter wear so it
may be easily returned if misplaced.

Uniform Clothing for PE and Sports
All scholars in sports or PE classes will wear the Heritage PE uniform. Instructors are required to enforce
this rule. Scholars may be required to wear spandex shorts under their PE shorts, depending on
instructor preference. A sports uniform option may be available.

Hair must be maintained so as not to reflect faddish styles and not to bring attention, such as the use of
long spikes, unnatural colors, etc. Hair is not to cover the face or any part of it. Boys’ hair length should
be above the collar and not touching the ears, and any side burns are to be no lower than the ear lobe.
Boys are to be clean-shaven.

Jewelry and Other Items
Any ornamentation to the body, including jewelry and make-up, must be simple and considered merely
an accessory. Overuse of these items, which includes peculiar colors and faddish jewelry (such as the
peace symbol, chains, spikes, large bracelets, etc.) is not allowed.
Body piercing of any kind is unacceptable, except that girls may have a one small piercing in each ear
lobe for a small earring. Gauges and plugs are not allowed.
 No more than one small bracelet per wrist may be worn.
 No more than one necklace may be worn, and it must be worn inside the shirt.
 No visible tattoos, permanent or temporary, and no writing or drawing on the skin.
 No make-up is permitted in classrooms.
 No curlers, curling irons, hair dryers, etc., are allowed at school.
 No hats are allowed in the building.
 No dark glasses are allowed in the building.
With respect to any other item in the classroom not mentioned in this handbook, each teacher has
authority to say what will or will not be allowed in his or her classroom.

Dress Code for Scholar Activities
Heritage hosts events and activities for scholars during which scholars are not required to wear their
uniforms, such as sports, Dollars for Duds Days, Spirit Days, field trips and tours, drama productions,
dances, etc., as well as occasional tutoring or other meetings on Fridays or Saturdays. During such
events all clothing, and words and pictures thereon, must be positive, uplifting, and encouraging.
Clothing displaying words and pictures which are degrading to others or which leave questions as to
their meaning must be avoided. No scholar will be allowed to participate in any Heritage activity who
does not comply with our dress code.

Dollars for Duds Day and Friday Activities
Dollars for Duds Day is a fundraiser run by the Scholar Council. This is a day when scholars pay a fee to
wear clothes other than the school uniform, if they choose to participate in the fundraiser. (There is no
fee required if they choose to wear their uniform.) Monies collected are used for scholar activities.
Dollars for Duds is not a time to wear costumes, pajamas, etc. All clothes worn must still meet our
standards of modesty with sleeves, no showing of the midriff, no torn, shabby or frayed material, and
positive, uplifting words or graphics, etc. These rules also apply to activities, including tutoring, held on
Fridays and Saturdays, but no fee payment is required on these days.

Spirit Days
Guidelines for Spirit Day attire is left up to each campus’ Principal.

Heritage hosts a variety of traditional high school dances and some junior high dances throughout the
year. Chaperones will strictly ensure that these guidelines are followed and will ask participants to
conform before being admitted to the dance.

Formal Dance Dress Code
 Dresses are to have sleeves. Shawls may not be used in place of sleeves, and any bolero
or shrug-type jacket should not be removed during the dance, including for pictures.
 Necklines must not reveal cleavage.
 The backs of dresses should be above mid-back.
 Midriffs should not be revealed.
 All dresses must come to the knee, in the front and the back, when sitting or standing.
 No jeans.
 Young men should wear suits, tuxedos, or collared shirts, ties and slacks.

To order uniforms, click HERE. 

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