Heritage Academy’s mission statement:
We are dedicated to youth, their growth and development, and believe in building sound character through strong families, strong communities, and a strong nation.
While teaching the academic disciplines, Heritage Academy is dedicated to instilling into the minds and hearts of our youth knowledge of and respect for the ideals and values of the great men and women of history, including those who founded the American nation.
As they gain an appreciation of these people of accomplishment, they will be ready to provide the selfless service to their fellow citizens and to their country which will be required in the coming years to assist in restoring America’s greatness.
Heritage Academy exists to this end.
A NOTE FROM Mrs. Udall:
Hello Hero families! Today after school is the Spring Fling being held at the Inter-Stake Center. Our Scholar Council, with Julie Pineda at the helm, does such a great job with these events! Fundraisers, such as Dollars for Duds, sponsor these types of events so it’s a great way for our scholars to socialize without any cost to them.
Our teams are still going strong, so be sure to check out the CALENDAR HERE and plan on seeing our heroes in action!
Next week will be short as there will be no school on Wednesday (4/26) or Thursday (4/27).
Enjoy the break and come back refreshed to finish the year strong!
Mrs. Udall
Liberty History Tour Fall 2023
Tour Dates: October 8 -14, 2023
This tour is only open to 11th or 12th-grade high school scholars Independence Tour Flier Fall 2023
Cost: $2,300, unless a scholar is eligible for an academic scholarship (see the tour information sheet above for scholarship details)
All payments must be via MySchoolBucks. Do NOT pay invoice directly with ECA funds.
How to use ECA, ACCOUNT CREDIT, and how to PAY INVOICES flier
After you have successfully completed the signup form, you will be invoiced for the tour.
Tour Director: Scott Wells (scott.well@heritageacademyaz.com)
Re-enrollment MUST be completed by ALL scholars to confirm or decline their seat for the upcoming school year.
EXISTING SCHOLARS – As an existing family within our school, you are extended the opportunity to reserve your scholar’s space for next year. Please CLICK HERE to complete your 5 MINUTE re-enrollment process. Do NOT submit a new application.
Unless you have moved, you will NOT be required to upload a new form of residency.
Should you choose NOT RETURNING when completing the re-enrollment process, you will be sent withdrawal forms to complete and return. Please complete re-enrollment for each scholar that currently attends.
Password Reset: email mesaregistrar@heritageacademyaz.com
INTRODUCING the Paul Revere Academy (PRA)
Heritage is expanding! We are excited to introduce a unique academic experience through the Paul Revere Academy (PRA) – starting in July 2023. East Valley Institute of Technology (EVIT) and Heritage Academy have partnered to bring a complete high school education to the West Main Street campus of EVIT. Students will earn their high school diploma and industry certifications all on one campus.
Paul Revere is considered one of the Founding Fathers as well as a skilled tradesman. While PRA is part of the Heritage family of schools, it is designed to serve scholars interested in obtaining hands-on training and workforce ready credentials. At the same time, it extends our mission of building character, developing loyalty to the ideals of our country, and serving in our community.
Scholars at PRA will split their day between taking core classes at Paul Revere Academy and elective/Career Technical Education (CTE) classes at EVIT. All youth interested in a more streamlined approach to obtaining a high school diploma and CTE certificates are welcome to apply. Please visit our website: www.paulrevere.tech for more information.
Stephanie Lund, Principal stephanie.lund@paulrevere.tech
It’s Not To Late to Order your Caps & Gown!
Don’t wait any longer! Be sure to order your Cap and Gown today!
Jostens’ has created graduation packages for your upcoming celebration!
Questions: Perry Spindler perry.spindler@jostens.com or Matthew Hatten matt.hatten@jostens.com
Please contact Jostens’ directly with any questions. They will have all the answers and will ensure your order is exactly what you (and your family) want.
Why PTO Dues?
If you haven’t yet paid, please consider doing so now:
School administration diligently strives to keep costs down and does not randomly pass expenses on to families. Your suggested dues of $20 per family helps fund new technology for our scholars, subsidize low cost lunch options, and provide treats and prizes for various school functions such as Constitution week.
Our PTO has no major fundraisers that we will ask parents or teachers to support. We count on your suggested annual dues.
We want you to know that all parents are invited to attend our board meetings. Check out more about PTO HERE
Seniors – don’t forget to schedule your senior 1-on-1 meeting with Mr. Brown.
You can scan the QR code outside Mr. Brown’s office or click here.
12th grade is the time to apply for admission to college and to apply for federal student aid by filling out the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA®) form. Opens Oct. 1. Check out goingmerry.com for a more user-friendly application, plus, there are thousands of scholarship opportunities. Just complete your profile.
Complete the FAFSA form even if you believe your child won’t qualify for any free federal aid. Many colleges will require FAFSA if you are getting any aid directly from the school. In addition, your family circumstances may change due to divorce, death or medical issues and you can appeal to the school due to the change in circumstance.