New Scholar Orientation

Welcome to Heritage Academy,

We are very excited to have you join the Heritage Academy Family for the 2020-2021 school year.

Please take some time to go through each of the videos and then complete the short questionnaire with video.   All orientation information will be found on this page. There are several orientation videos and a few others to help you become more familiar with the school and its procedures.  In addition, please use the “Course Selection” links below to sign up for classes.  Thank you and welcome to Heritage Academy.

Please email all questions to Chris West at

Please watch the following video first.

Orientation video

Please click the link below to complete a short quiz after watching the orientation video.


Please view this supplemental material before selecting classes.

Virtual Tour

It is now time to start selecting classes for next year!  Please click the link below to select your classes.  These are for new incoming scholars.

7th Grade Course Selection

8th Grade Course Selection

9th Grade Course Selection

10th Grade Course Selection

11th Grade Course Selection

We will hold virtual orientation town hall meetings.  The goal of these meetings is to answer any questions you have about Heritage, or course selection.  These are not required, but we want to be available to answer any questions you might have.  You can access each town hall meeting by clicking on the following link.

Virtual Orientation Town Hall Meetings

Town hall meeting times will include

Monday May 4, 2020 @ 11:00AM

Tuesday May 5, 2020 @ 6:00 PM

Wednesday May 6, 2020 @ 9:00 AM

Thursday May 7, 2020 @ 2:00 PM

Previously recorded town hall meetings can be viewed by clicking the links below.

May 4th orientation town hall 

Please visit the following websites as you prepare for next school year.


Dennis Uniforms

  • school code: QHM

Land’s End 

  • Our “school number” is 900147471

Tommy Hilfiger

  • School Code: HERI01

Educational Outfitters