Important Dates to Remember

We are dedicated to youth, their growth and development, and believe in building sound character through strong families, strong communities, and a strong nation.
While teaching the academic disciplines, Heritage Academy is dedicated to instilling into the minds and hearts of our youth knowledge of and respect for the ideals and values of the great men and women of history, including those who founded the American nation.
As they gain an appreciation of these people of accomplishment, they will be ready to provide the selfless service to their fellow citizens and to their country which will be required in the coming years to assist in restoring America’s greatness.
Heritage Academy exists to this end.
A NOTE FROM Mrs. Udall:
Happy Graduation Day 2022!
Education is a partnership, and Heritage families are the best! We’ve all worked hard this year to provide a safe, rigorous learning environment for our scholars. Thank you for supporting our mission. We are grateful. It’s been a good year.
As we wrap up this school year, just a few quick items.
- Heritage does not send home report cards. Grades will be finalized this weekend, so check PowerSchool next week for your finalized grades.
- Our offices will be closed the week of Memorial Day and the first two weeks of July. Office hours are Monday – Thursday 11am – 2pm.
- On Monday, August 1, we’ll have a Meet the Teacher Open House from 5 – 7 p.m.
- School begins on Tuesday, August 2 and it will be an All 8 Day.
- We are offering physicals for our scholar athletes on Saturday, August 6 from 8 – noon in the ballroom. More information will be coming.
- If you have any Heritage uniforms sitting around, please send them our way.
We hope you have a safe and fun-filled summer.
Grateful for a wonderful year,
Our Seniors started the graduation party this week with an epic Senior Prank! Our halls were filled with 2000 balloons, streamers, and signs. We love our Seniors and are so proud of their accomplishments.
Parents are welcome
to join us today at both the Awards Ceremony and Graduation.
Registration Deadline: June 3, 2022 Students must consult with the assistant principal for academic course choices before paying for courses.
Heritage Academy Mesa Summer School is open to our current high school scholars. Courses will be self-paced and will utilize Heritage Academy Mesa’s online learning program through Edgenuity. A teacher will be with the scholars as they work through their course requirements. Classes are filled on a first-come, first-served basis (priority will be given to seniors). High school scholars will receive a ½ credit for the successful completion (score 70% or higher) of each session.

Heritage Academy’s 23nd Semi-Annual American History Excursion “Independence History Tour”
Williamsburg, Washington DC, Philadelphia Sun/Mon, October 2/3 – Saturday, October 8, 2023 – (6 days / 5 nights)
2022 Independence History Tour SIGN UP HERE
Once you have successfully completed the sign up process, you will be invoiced via MySchoolBucks. You will be notified when your invoice is ready.
Storage Issues?
We are selling some of our lockers. Interested? If so, please contact the front desk.
Tuition Assistance (TA) for Dual Enrollment for the upcoming 2022-23 school year is now open. If interested in receiving up to 12 credits of tuition free college credits through Dual Enrollment, please complete by May 31st.
We are looking for gently worn uniform donations.
There is a box in the lobby where you can drop your donation.
Thanks for your support!
Notice of Public Meeting of the Heritage Academy, Inc. Governing Board
Pursuant to A.R.S. & 38-431.02, notice is hereby given to the members of the Heritage Academy Governing Board and to the general public that the Heritage Academy Governing Board will hold a board meeting at 9:00 am on Wednesday, June 8, 2022, at 32 S Center, Mesa, AZ 85210.
Pursuant to A.R.S. & 38-431.02, notice is hereby given to the members of the Heritage Academy Governing Board and to the general public that the Heritage Academy Governing Board will hold a virtual board meeting at 9:00 am on Tuesday, June 21, 2022, at 32 S Center, Mesa, AZ 85210.
This is a unique opportunity to serve as an ambassador in a nationally recognized leadership program! Applicants must be a sophomore, junior, or senior student during the 2022-2023 school year.
Governor’s Youth Commission (GYC) brings together a diverse group of high school students from all fifteen Arizona counties to identify and address the greatest challenges facing Arizona’s youth by developing innovative community impact projects, establishing partnerships with young leaders across the state, and advising the Governor.
Applications are currently being accepted until June 3, 2022 at 5:00 PM.
Give the gift of reading!
Our newest campus needs help in building a library for its’ young scholars. What was the one book that made an impact on you?
We have a box in the lobby for new or gently used books. Items for all grade levels are needed.
Thank you!
Do you shop at Amazon?
A percentage of every purchase could be going toward our school if you check out during your transaction at instead of the normal amazon site. Do good while shopping and check out with every time you shop!