Heritage Academy’s mission statement:
We are dedicated to youth, their growth and development, and believe in building sound character through strong families, strong communities, and a strong nation.
While teaching the academic disciplines, Heritage Academy is dedicated to instilling into the minds and hearts of our youth knowledge of and respect for the ideals and values of the great men and women of history, including those who founded the American nation.
As they gain an appreciation of these people of accomplishment, they will be ready to provide the selfless service to their fellow citizens and to their country which will be required in the coming years to assist in restoring America’s greatness.
Heritage Academy exists to this end.
A NOTE FROM Mrs. Udall:
We are off to a great start for this semester. Spring is a very busy time and there is a lot going on. Be sure to check out all the activities and sports on the Events Calendar.
Next week we Scholar Council is hosting the Polar Social! Be sure to read through the newsletter and check out the flier for all the fun activities!
Ballroom and Dance are also having their annual Dancing With the Stars event. You won’t want to miss out on this fun evening! You can BUY TICKETS HERE.
Just a reminder that fees are due by Jan. 18.
Don’t forget that we are closed this Monday & Tuesday for the Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday.
See you on Wednesday Jan. 17.
Heidi Udall, Principal
Check your inboxes for invoices or log in to your MySchoolBucks account. Be aware that if you have multiple scholars or a scholar with multiple fee bearing classes, you will receive an invoice for each class/scholar.
NOTE: If you have made a payment in MSB, please be patient while we apply it to your outstanding invoices. If you don’t see your payment applied by WEDNESDAY Jan. 25, please call 480-969-5641 or email mesaregistrar@heritageacademyaz.com.
Scholars will be removed from the course due to non payment of fees.
How Do You Pay the Invoice Balance? Click on the link directly in the invoice labeled “PAY NOW” and pay right away. (This is for NON-ECA payments ONLY!)
Pay Using ECA Tax Credit? Do not pay using the link in the invoice. Instead, log into MySchooolBucks > School Store > Donations > View Details OR go to hamesa.com. Please remember all ECA donations are non-refundable.
My Scholar Has Credit That Needs to be Applied? Send an email to mesaregistrar@heritageacademyaz.com and include the following information:
PAY FEE WITH ACCOUNT CREDIT: Last Name, First Name, Invoice to be paid, Amount to be paid
Fee to be paid with transfer
Once the registrar receives the email, payment will be applied to the invoice.
Missed Open Enrollment deadline? Not to worry! We are still accepting applications. All submitted applications will be placed on the waitlist in the order they were received. Seats are being offered as they become available.
EXISTING SCHOLARS – No action is required at this time. Once the re-enrollment portal is available, a link will be sent out to all current scholars to complete the re-enrollment form to reserve their spot for next year.
NEW SCHOLARS – If you have friends or family members that do not currently attend Heritage but would like to join us next year…they will need to complete the full enrollment application.
Heritage siblings do receive a priority but need to submit a complete application.
Price: $70 March 20, 2024 is the last day to order yearbooks.
To buy with cash: Bring flier and EXACT cash amount to Ms. Connelly (front desk) or Ms. Wilson (NO change will be available)
Senior ads are due NOW.
We celebrated our 100th anniversary in 2020, and with our next 100 years of business in mind, we made it our goal to create a more streamlined, customized ecommerce platform to bring an ever-increasing level of service to our customers. Launching in 2021, our new site quickly became a uniform-industry-leading interface with fast checkout options, a wealth of helpful shopping information and a mobile-first design with many more features that cater to contemporary customers’ needs.
Spring 2024 JH Northern Arizona Tour
Who: 7th & 8th graders
What: History & Science Tour
When: April 24-25, 2024
Visiting: Grand Canyon, Bearizona, Lowell Observatory, Sunset Crater, Walnut Canyon National Monument,
Pink Jeep Tour in Sedona
Included: transportation, hotel for 1 night, 2 breakfasts, 2 lunches, and 2 dinners, and admission to all locations
COST: $485 (1st payment due ASAP; 2nd due Feb. 15, 2023)
Refund Policy (either tour company or student cancels)
Full refund before Jan. 15th
Refund minus $100 between Jan. 16th & Mar. 24th
No refund after March 25th.
Paul Revere Academy (PRA)
Heritage has expanded! We are excited to introduce a unique academic experience through the Paul Revere Academy (PRA). East Valley Institute of Technology (EVIT) and Heritage Academy have partnered to bring a complete high school education to the West Main Street campus of EVIT. Students will earn their high school diploma and industry certifications all on one campus.
Paul Revere is considered one of the Founding Fathers as well as a skilled tradesman. While PRA is part of the Heritage family of schools, it is designed to serve scholars interested in obtaining hands-on training and workforce ready credentials. At the same time, it extends our mission of building character, developing loyalty to the ideals of our country, and serving in our community.
Scholars at PRA will split their day between taking core classes at Paul Revere Academy and elective/Career Technical Education (CTE) classes at EVIT. All youth interested in a more streamlined approach to obtaining a high school diploma and CTE certificates are welcome to apply. Please visit our website: www.paulrevere.tech for more information.
Stephanie Lund, Principal stephanie.lund@paulrevere.tech
Seniors – don’t forget to schedule your senior 1-on-1 meeting with Mr. Brown.
You can scan the QR code outside Mr. Brown’s office or click here.
NOTE – if you are a current senior, be sure to schedule your senior one-on-one appointment with me for sometime in September. Don’t wait for the last second.
If you are new to dual enrollment, you will need to complete admissions (step 1) to Rio Salado College. Enrollment and Registration Steps here . If you need any placement tests, I will let you know.
Important links here – login is your MEID@maricopa.edu. Here, you will be able to upload your birth certificate and photo ID, complete the financial responsibility form, and fill out the Petition for Semester Overload if you are enrolling in more than 18 DE credits in one semester, to name a few.
For those who were approved for Tuition Assistance, I have contacted Rio to enroll you accordingly.
For the rest that indicated they wanted to take part in dual enrollment, I will be emailing Rio soon. Be on the lookout for emails with tasks to complete (if needed).
Email me at bob.brow@heritageacademyaz.com with any questions. To ensure a timely response be sure to provide the scholar’s 8-digit college ID# (starts with a 3) or indicate new to dual enrollment. Please leave a detailed message, so I can better serve you.
Bob Brown
12th grade is the time to apply for admission to college and to apply for federal student aid by filling out the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA®) form. Opens Oct. 1. Check out goingmerry.com for a more user-friendly application, plus, there are thousands of scholarship opportunities. Just complete your profile.
Complete the FAFSA form even if you believe your child won’t qualify for any free federal aid. Many colleges will require FAFSA if you are getting any aid directly from the school. In addition, your family circumstances may change due to divorce, death or medical issues and you can appeal to the school due to the change in circumstance.