Heritage Academy’s mission statement:
We are dedicated to youth, their growth and development, and believe in building sound character through strong families, strong communities, and a strong nation.
While teaching the academic disciplines, Heritage Academy is dedicated to instilling into the minds and hearts of our youth knowledge of and respect for the ideals and values of the great men and women of history, including those who founded the American nation.
As they gain an appreciation of these people of accomplishment, they will be ready to provide the selfless service to their fellow citizens and to their country which will be required in the coming years to assist in restoring America’s greatness.
Heritage Academy exists to this end.
A NOTE FROM Mrs. Udall:
It’s hard to believe January has come and gone. We are gearing up for a great semester and your scholars are working hard.
As we plan for the upcoming school year, we ask that you complete the re-enrollment process. See email for more information or scroll down for more information.
I know that at times there may be an exception, but please do not drop off your scholars before 7am. The campus is not open and supervision only occurs between 7:30 – 3:45 when our faculty and staff arrive.
In case you missed the earlier email, we have instituted lunch detention for excessive tardiness.
To support instruction, beginning this week, any scholar who has 3 or more tardies in any class will be required to serve a lunch detention. Each Thursday, log entries will be sent home notifying families of scholars who will be serving a detention the following Monday. During detention, scholars will be allowed to eat lunch, but they will not have access to their backpacks or phones. Please be sure your scholar comes prepared with lunch. They will not have time to purchase lunch from the PTO. **If tardiness continues, scholars will serve an additional detention and will meet with administration for further consequences. **
Your scholars have begun the 2024/25 course selection process. Be sure to ask them about it and discuss their courses with them. They must log in to PowerSchool and select their courses and then turn in the signed forms.
I have the opportunity each month to meet with scholars for Pizza with the Principal. Scholars are nominated by their teachers for a variety of reasons, including acts of kindness and being a good example of character. I am amazed at how many scholars are nominated every month and today was no exception! Shout out to the following scholars for leading by example:
Katelyn Schultz, Zander Jones, Adria Lawlor, Ramsey Bagley, Michael Menlove, Rhoda Ray, Owen Hoffman, Navy Draughon, Grayson Hutcherson, Kirk Winsor, Zoe Zavala, MaKayla Mecham, Dorian Acedo, Ben Brown, Alaina Hancock, Ian Johnson, Eleanor Bowles, Megan Davidson, Jessica Vogler
Be sure to check out all the activities and sports on the Events Calendar.
I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!
Heidi Udall, Principal
Scholars have received course selection forms and directions for entering their courses in PowerSchool (PS). PS is now open and Scholars will have until forms are collected (see dates below) to enter their courses into PS. Attached below are directions for entering courses into PS.
Dates for when course selection forms are due:
JH scholars: Week of Feb 5th. They will be collected in their Latin class.
HS Scholars: Week of Feb 12th. They will be collected in their English class.
9-12 Grades Course Selection forms
8th Grade Course Selection form
7th Grade Course Selection form
Directions to select courses in PS
Both Scholar AND Parent signatures are required on the form. Courses will not be assigned if form is incomplete.
CLICK HERE FOR RE-ENROLLMENT PROCESS – Sign-In using your username and password. Forgot Username of Password? send and email to mesaregistrar@heritageacademyaz.com
CLICK “RETURNING or NOT RETURNING” – On the student dashboard click your choice for each of your scholars. (DO NOT CLICK ADD STUDENT. If the options are not available, you may be logged in with the wrong email or phone number).
CONFIRM “RETURNING or NOT RETURNING” – In the pop–up box, confirm your selection.
If you are NOT RETURNING, we will reach out to you with withdrawal information.
CLICK “RE-ENROLL” – On the student dashboard click “re-enroll” for each of your scholars.
VERIFY INFORMATION – Please make sure your address, phone number(s), and email(s) are updated and correct. Make edits as needed.
ENTER MAILING ADDRESS – This section will need to be completed as it does not auto-populate in the form.
Price: $70 March 25 , 2024 is the last day to order yearbooks.
To buy with cash: Bring flier and EXACT cash amount to Ms. Connelly (front desk) or Ms. Wilson (NO change will be available)
Senior ads are due NOW.

On Valentine’s Day (Feb 14), the orchestra program will be holding their annual Valentine Grams fundraiser! We would appreciate any donations of Caramel Apple Pops, Hershey’s Chocolate kisses, Starbursts, Valentines plastic bags for candy (you can get them at Walmart, Dollar Tree etc.) and we also need ribbon (red, pink or other vibrant color). Donations are being accepted now in the band/orchestra room in Dr Hamilton’s office!
ACF scholarship application is now open: Funding is available for students across Arizona
The ACF scholarship application is now open! Students can complete one application online and get matched with all eligible scholarships within our system.
5:00 to 6:00 p.m. Arizona MST REGISTER FOR WORKSHOPS HERE

Why martial arts? Learn amazing martial arts skills in a safe and fun environment. The goal of our Mixed Martial Arts program is to empower our scholars so that they can be successful in anything they set out to accomplish. We aim to help our scholars develop the skills, confidence, and discipline needed to be able to achieve success in life.
Join Mr. Thomas to safely learn basic and advanced moves, while learning self discipline, self respect, respect for others and self defense.
Classes are open to all grades and all levels of skills.

That’s right! You can now sign up for swim for both the Fall and Spring semesters! Swim Team is an exciting way to belong to a great group, exercise, and have tons of fun all at the same time. Even if you don’t know all four strokes, you can come and learn how to swim, or just swim your favorite strokes. We cheer for each other and support each other at swim meets and have social gatherings with food, friendship, and fun.

Scholars enrolled in this course will learn how to talk about themselves, their families and friends, including what they like to do in their free time and what they are studying in school. Scholars will also learn to talk about food and restaurant culture, including in countries like Africa, Canada and France. This course teaches scholars to speak, read, write and understand French through authentic texts, film, music and other medias.
Honors French 2 (Dual Enrollment 101 and 102):
Scholars enrolled in French 2 can take this course for college credit. In this course, scholars can expect to learn more advanced grammar and language than in French 1, including how to talk about the past and tell stories. There are a variety of projects in this course including video projects, art projects and more. We will also study a variety of cultural topics in the francophone world. This course uses authentic texts, film, music and other medias to help scholars grasp the French language.
Honors French 3 (Dual Enrollment 201 and 202):
Scholars enrolled in French 3 can take this course for college credit. In French 3, scholars will cover topics like art, love and relationships, fairytales, news, media, and literature. Scholars will read their first novel, the beloved classic, Le Petit Prince (The Little Prince). There are a variety of cultural topics as well that will be covered in this class, from travel to French history. We will complete a variety of class and individual projects and will use authentic texts, film, music and other medias to master each topic.
Honors French 4 (Dual Enrollment 265 and 266):
Scholars enrolled in French 4 can take this course for college credit. This course will allow scholars to dive deeper into the language and cultures of francophone communities while continuing their mastery of French. We will discuss topics like nature and the outdoors, careers, world and societal issues, and travel, as well as more current history. Scholars will read several excerpts from selected French novels, as well studying film, music and other medias and will complete a variety of class and individual projects.

Scholars who take this course can expect no assigned work outside of class except for meeting with elected and unelected government officials. This might include activities such as setting up and attending an interview with your city or town councilmember, speaking at a Governing Board meeting of your local school district, meeting with your state representative about proposed legislation, or attending and possibly speaking at a committee hearing at the State Capitol. You will be challenged to push yourself out of your comfort zone in many ways! The class will include one field trip per semester (to the City offices and State Capitol), with other opportunities for in-person participation at city, county, and state meetings or legislative hearings. For more information, please contact Mrs. Langston in person (in room 5 after school or before school on B days), at tracy.lang@heritageacademyaz.com, or talk with Dr. Wayne Denton.

Still need a cap and gown?
Missed Open Enrollment deadline? Not to worry! We are still accepting applications. All submitted applications will be placed on the waitlist in the order they were received. Seats are being offered as they become available.
EXISTING SCHOLARS – No action is required at this time. Once the re-enrollment portal is available, a link will be sent out to all current scholars to complete the re-enrollment form to reserve their spot for next year.
NEW SCHOLARS – If you have friends or family members that do not currently attend Heritage but would like to join us next year…they will need to complete the full enrollment application.
Heritage siblings do receive a priority but need to submit a complete application.

The Mesa Police Cadet Post 2055 is a 501.c.3. youth law enforcement charity education program hosted by Sworn Law Enforcement Officers on Thursday nights from 5:30pm to 8:30pm. Membership for young men and women aged 14 to 19 is conditional on application submission, background review, and oral board process.
Interest forms are being accepted between now and January 26th! Interviews will be held in February. Selected volunteers will begin in March 2024 and are subject to graduation from a summer junior police academy in June 2024. Most Police Cadets serve the community with 1-6 year commitments.
For more information or to apply, please visit www.MesaAZpolice.gov/Community/Cadets

We celebrated our 100th anniversary in 2020, and with our next 100 years of business in mind, we made it our goal to create a more streamlined, customized ecommerce platform to bring an ever-increasing level of service to our customers. Launching in 2021, our new site quickly became a uniform-industry-leading interface with fast checkout options, a wealth of helpful shopping information and a mobile-first design with many more features that cater to contemporary customers’ needs.
Spring 2024 JH Northern Arizona Tour
Who: 7th & 8th graders
What: History & Science Tour
When: April 24-25, 2024
Visiting: Grand Canyon, Bearizona, Lowell Observatory, Sunset Crater, Walnut Canyon National Monument,
Pink Jeep Tour in Sedona
Included: transportation, hotel for 1 night, 2 breakfasts, 2 lunches, and 2 dinners, and admission to all locations
COST: $485 (1st payment due ASAP; 2nd due Feb. 15, 2023)
Refund Policy (either tour company or student cancels)
Full refund before Jan. 15th
Refund minus $100 between Jan. 16th & Mar. 24th
No refund after March 25th.
Paul Revere Academy (PRA)
Heritage has expanded! We are excited to introduce a unique academic experience through the Paul Revere Academy (PRA). East Valley Institute of Technology (EVIT) and Heritage Academy have partnered to bring a complete high school education to the West Main Street campus of EVIT. Students will earn their high school diploma and industry certifications all on one campus.
Paul Revere is considered one of the Founding Fathers as well as a skilled tradesman. While PRA is part of the Heritage family of schools, it is designed to serve scholars interested in obtaining hands-on training and workforce ready credentials. At the same time, it extends our mission of building character, developing loyalty to the ideals of our country, and serving in our community.
Scholars at PRA will split their day between taking core classes at Paul Revere Academy and elective/Career Technical Education (CTE) classes at EVIT. All youth interested in a more streamlined approach to obtaining a high school diploma and CTE certificates are welcome to apply. Please visit our website: www.paulrevere.tech for more information.
Stephanie Lund, Principal stephanie.lund@paulrevere.tech
Seniors – don’t forget to schedule your senior 1-on-1 meeting with Mr. Brown.
You can scan the QR code outside Mr. Brown’s office or click here.
Welcome to 2024! With the new year comes lots of developments in the world of college funding and planning. The FAFSA Simplification Act totally revamped the process of applying and qualifying for federal student aid. Simplification may not be an appropriate term; but what’s most important is that the form is now live on the FAFSA website. If you have a college bound student for the upcoming school year, you can (and should) access that form here. You can also utilize our new free Student Aid Index (previously known as the Expected Family Contribution) calculator on our website through this link.
NOTE – if you are a current senior, be sure to schedule your senior one-on-one appointment with me for sometime in September. Don’t wait for the last second.
If you are new to dual enrollment, you will need to complete admissions (step 1) to Rio Salado College. Enrollment and Registration Steps here . If you need any placement tests, I will let you know.
Important links here – login is your MEID@maricopa.edu. Here, you will be able to upload your birth certificate and photo ID, complete the financial responsibility form, and fill out the Petition for Semester Overload if you are enrolling in more than 18 DE credits in one semester, to name a few.
For those who were approved for Tuition Assistance, I have contacted Rio to enroll you accordingly.
For the rest that indicated they wanted to take part in dual enrollment, I will be emailing Rio soon. Be on the lookout for emails with tasks to complete (if needed).
Email me at bob.brow@heritageacademyaz.com with any questions. To ensure a timely response be sure to provide the scholar’s 8-digit college ID# (starts with a 3) or indicate new to dual enrollment. Please leave a detailed message, so I can better serve you.
Bob Brown