SCHOLARS:  Please stay off the field today during passing periods and lunch.  We have several activities on the field today so we are asking scholars to stay off the field unless you are a senior attending the barbecue or an 8th grade History student participating in the Trench Warfare activity with Mrs. Ginn.  Thank you everyone!  


PROM 2021-  Hey Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors!  We are one of the only high schools in the area still having a PROM, so you won’t want to miss it!  Tickets are on sale this week and next week.  Tickets will NOT be sold during testing week or at the door, so get your tickets ASAP.  It will be a night to remember as we celebrate the Golden Age of Hollywood.   If you plan to bring a guest from another school, make sure to get a guest pass from Ms. Seaman.  

Tonight is the induction ceremony for all of the incoming members of National Honor Society. It will start at 7:30 and take place on the patio. Congratulations and we look forward to seeing you there with your parents.”

Tomorrow from 1-5 are the dance company auditions and dance class placement auditions.  Please make sure you have your packet complete and are on time tomorrow.   

This Saturday is The Car Show!  The event is free to the public and there will be food trucks and other vendors on site, plus some awesome entertainment by our very own Heritage Choir.  Bring your friends and family from 10-2 on Saturday and check out some really cool cars. 

QUOTE of the WEEK:  

If you cannot do great things, do small things in a great way.  By Napoleon Hill